Sunday 21 December 2008

2012: Nibiru or no Nibiru?

Source: Universe Today

According to 2012 doomsday proponents, something big is out to get us. By "something big" I mean some uncontrollable cosmic entity (i.e. Planet X, Nibiru or a "killer" solar flare), and by "us" I mean the whole of planet Earth. Pinning 2012 doomsday scenarios on the end of the ancient Mayan "Long Count" calendar appears to be growing momentum amongst authors, websites, documentaries and (my personal favourite) YouTube videos. According to them, something bad is going to happen on or around December 21st 2012.

Nibiru, Planet X or Hercolubus.Credit Andy Loyd

Probably the most interesting difference between the 2012 doomsday scenario and the doomsday prophecies of the past is that almost every possible (and impossible… or implausible) harbinger of doom is being suggested as a planet killer. (read more)

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